Explore Webinars
- WEBINAR - Marko Saarni Sales Manager Satel UHF communications (EN)
- X-PAD Fusion Data Integration Bootcamp: Go From Beginner To Advanced - X-TOPO
- X-PAD Fusion Data Integration Bootcamp: Go From Beginner To Advanced - X-SCAN
- X-PAD Fusion Data Integration Bootcamp: Go From Beginner To Advanced - X-PHOTO
- Working with GNSS in X-PAD: from configuration to fieldwork - Webinar OnDemand
- X-PAD Ultimate Nuovo Service Pack 1/2023 - Webinar On-Demand
- Trabalhando com GNSS no X-PAD: da configuração ao trabalho de campo - Webinar OnDemand
- Trabajando con GNSS en X-PAD: de la configuración al trabajo de campo
- Zenius08: presentazione del prodotto - On Demand Webinar
- X-PAD Ultimate: Pacote de serviços 1/2023 - o que há de novo?
- X-PAD BIM & MEP Modules Webinar 9AM
- Point Cloud 101 - From registration to output
- X-PAD Total Station Traverse Webinar
- GeoMax & NovAtel Webinar - June 21 2022
- Lavorare con il GNSS in X-PAD - On Demand Webinar
- Working with TPS in X-PAD - Webinar On-Demand
- Lavorare con TPS in X-PAD: dalla configurazione al lavoro sul campo - On Demand Webinar
- X-PAD ULTIMATE Photographic Survey & X-PHOTO
- Discovering the new Zoom75 and 95 GeoMax robotic TPS
- X-PAD Ultimate & Fusion Novedades del Paquete de Servicio
- Trabajando con TPS en X-PAD - Webinar On-Demand
- Trabalhando com TPS no X-PAD - Webinar On-Demand
- Introducción al Zenith06
- Webinar_CAD_in_X-PAD_Ultimate_OnDemand_PT
- X-PAD Ultimate Surface & Volumes Webinar
- X-PAD ULTIMATE Road Module Webinar
- How to overcome 5 common GNSS surveying struggles with the Zenith60
- X-PAD Service Pack 2/2021 - What's New?
- WEBINAR - Auto-Measuring 101: Learn How to Perform Campaign Monitoring Like a Pro
- Stakeout in X-PAD Ultimate - Webinar On Demand
- Locação no X-PAD Ultimate - Webinar on Demand
- Replanteo en X-PAD Ultimate - Webinar on Demand
- Novo Zenius08: Apresentação do Produto - On Demand Webinar
- Nuevo Zenius08: Presentación del Producto - On Demand Webinar
- Understanding Import and Export in X-PAD Ultimate - On Demand Webinar
- Informazioni sull'importazione e l'esportazionein X-PAD Ultimate - On Demand Webinar
- Entendendo a importação e exportação no X-PAD Ultimate -Webinar Portugues
- Comprender la importación y exportación en X-PAD Ultimate - Webinar OnDemand
- Webinar_X-PAD Ultimate_Survey_and_Coding_OnDemand_PT
- Locators: how to use them and X-PAD locators module
- Discover new Zenith60 Pro: Product Presentation (EN)
- New Zoom45: manual meets digital workflows
- Discover the new Service Pack 2/2024 for X-PAD Suite
- X-PAD Ultimate: Rilievo e codici rilievo - Webinar on Demand
- X-PAD Ultimate Paquete de servicio 1/2023 - Webinar on Demand
- Zenius08 Android tablet - Webinar OnDemand - English
- X-PAD Ultimate TPS
- Volume and Cross Sections Webinar
- X-PAD Fusion License and Configuration
- Webinar_X-PAD_Ultimate_Survey_and_Coding_OnDemand_ENG
- Webinar_X-PAD Ultimate_Survey_and_Coding_OnDemand_PT
- Zenith60 Pro: presentación del nuevo GNSS (ES)
- Zenith60 Pro: Apresentação do novo GNSS (PT-BR)
- From Office to Field Webinar (part 3)
- From Office to Field Webinar (part 2)
- From Office to Field Webinar (part 1)
- X-PAD Fusion: X-SCAN Next and X-PHOTO
- Introducción a la Estación Robótica Zoom95/75
- Discover the new Zenith55 & TRU35
- X-PAD Service Pack 2 Webinar
- X-PAD Service Pack 1-2022
- X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack 1-2023
- X-PAD Ultimate & Go, Comparaciones y Cambios de Mejora
- Introducción al GNSS Zenith 60
- Introduction à X-PAD 365
- Webinar US/CAN: Field Software 101: Maximizing Your Time On Site
- Webinar US/CAN: 5 Tips for Finding the Right Tools to Get the Job Done
- Webinar US/CAN: Loving Life with Lasers and Locators: Making Sense of Your Options
- WEBINAR - X-PAD Ultimate GO & Zoom10 (EN)
- WEBINAIRE - X-PAD Ultimate GO & Zoom10 (FR)
- WEBINAIRE - Comment gérer les données topographiques avec X-PAD Fusion (FR)
- WEBINAIRE - Levés et dessins sur le terrain avec X-PAD Ultimate (FR)
- WEBINAR - How to manage topographic data with X-PAD Fusion (English)
- WEBINAR - Advanced surveying and CAD in the field with X-PAD Ultimate (EN)
- WEBINAR - 3 Simple Hacks for Quick and Accurate Linework
- Webinar US/CAN: How to Harness CAD for Greater Efficiency
- Webinar US/CAN: How to Become a Volume Virtuoso and Surface Savvy
- Webinar US/CAN: New Tools for Collecting Data and Simplifying Your Construction Layout
- WEBINAR - How to survey and calculate surfaces and volumes in the field with X-PAD Ultimate (EN)
- WEBINAR - X-PAD Fusion Service Pack 2 - New features
- WEBINAR - X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack 2 - New features
- GLOBAL WEBINAR - How to get your surveys to the next level with X-TILT and traverse adjustment
- GLOBAL WEBINAR - X-PAD Fusion PRO Module - easy start into basic data preparation and processing at no cost
- GLOBAL WEBINAR - Uncovering the mystery of GNSS correction services
- GLOBAL WEBINAR - Uniting office and field with X-PAD Ultimate cloud function and X-LIVE
- GLOBAL WEBINAR - How to check and adjust your TPS and accessories for error-free measurement
- GLOBAL WEBINAR - How to increase your efficiency with aerial image processing
- SPANISH WEBINAR - Sáquele el máximo partido a nuestros receptores GNSS
- US/CAN - How to Calculate Surfaces and Volumes in the Field with X-PAD Ultimate
- FRENCH WEBINAR - GeoMax Zoom10 & X-PAD Ultimat
- Introduction to X-PAD 365
- X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack 1 - What's New?
- X-PAD Fusion Service Pack 1 - What's New?
- How to collaboratively survey and stakeout in real-time
- Introducción a X-PAD 365
- 6 keys to enhancing your entire workflow with X-PAD 365
- X-PAD Fusion Data Integration Bootcamp: Go From Beginner To Advanced - All Sensors
- Zenith06 Smart Antenna Presentation
WEBINAIRE - Levé combiné avec GNSS et Station Totale (Français)
Regardez ce webinaire et apprenez comment réaliser un levé mixte GPS&TPS et les systèmes avancés que GeoMax offre.
- Les conceptes de base
- Système de coordonnées et facteur d'échelle "grille au sol"
- Système X-POLE
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