Zone20 H
Zone20 H is an automatic horizontal laser that allows grade setting manually in two axes. It is easy to use and highly reliable in any element.
Zone20 H is an automatic horizontal laser that allows grade setting manually in two axes. It is easy to use and highly reliable in any element.
Zone20 HV
The multipurpose laser Zone20 HV offers manual grade settings plus the capability of vertical levelling and aligning for interior and exterior applications.
The multipurpose laser Zone20 HV offers manual grade settings plus the capability of vertical levelling and aligning for interior and exterior applications.
Zone40 T
The one-button Zone40 T laser offers the precision, range, and durability of the Zone60 but without the need for adding grade.
The one-button Zone40 T laser offers the precision, range, and durability of the Zone60 but without the need for adding grade.
Zone60 HG
The easy-to-use Zone60 HG allows semi-automatic grade in levelling applications up to 8 % in both axes and convinces with high accuracy.
The easy-to-use Zone60 HG allows semi-automatic grade in levelling applications up to 8 % in both axes and convinces with high accuracy.
Zone60 DG
The Zone60 DG is a fully-automatic grade laser up to 15% in both axes specifically designed for construction workers who need the dependability and high accuracy.
The Zone60 DG is a fully-automatic grade laser up to 15% in both axes specifically designed for construction workers who need the dependability and high accuracy.
Zone75 DG
The Zone75 DG is the laser rotator of choice when it comes to land levelling tasks - not only in construction but also agriculture.
The Zone75 DG is the laser rotator of choice when it comes to land levelling tasks - not only in construction but also agriculture.