One-man total station
GeoTRAil: Equipped with the long-range Bluetooth® handle, the Zoom70 transforms into a true one-man total station. It supports the advanced prism search, based on the GNSS position of the controller, mounted on the pole. Due to its seamless integration into X-PAD ULTIMATE field software, GeoTRAil combines simplicity and high performance.
As there is no need for special, expensive, and power-consuming active prisms, this total station is ideal on any worksite. Zoom70 keeps your pole lightweight and convenient to carry all day long!
TRack: The Zoom70 shares tracking and aiming functionality with the Zoom90 robotic total station. TRack allows the Zoom70 to remain accurately aimed on fast moving targets, once the prism is locked.
AiM allows the Zoom70 to precisely aim at any prism, without the need to look through the telescope. Highly reliable measurements are performed automatically, and are consistently repeatable.